venerdì 20 ottobre 2017


Non avrei pensato alla Svizzera, li ritenevo fortunati, privilegiati, conservatori e immobili, invece non è così 
Switzerland (1st) continues to top the overall rankings, with strong results evenly balanced across the different components of competitiveness. Economic performance benefits from extremely strong fundamentals including public health, primary education, and a comparatively solid macroeconomic environment. Its economy has a high level of flexibility, with its labor markets being ranked as the best-functioning globally. Absorptive capacity for new technologies is high, with an overall 2nd place ranking in the tech readiness of citizens and businesses. Switzerland further improves its scores for business sector sophistication and its innovation environment, thereby 

Sono quindi colti, solidi e civili.
L'Italia è 43sima sulle 175 economie analizzate
Italy (43rd) improves one place in the rankings slightly increasing its score, notably through improved goods market efficiency (up seven places to 60th) and higher education and training (up two to 41st). Its long-standing competitiveness advantages include health and primary education (25th), large market size (12th), infrastructure (27th), and business sophistication (25th). Despite recent reforms, labor markets (116th) and financial markets (126th) remain weak points.

Questo invece lo sapevo....

PS. Quindi Anna ha scelto bene

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